Wednesday, October 28, 2020

my official birthday (301/365d)

my official birthday, but we really didn't celebrate at all - we just had too much to do! Felix had the most, with two long butterfly rehearsals: 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. poor thing! he had fun though!

i did errands like picking up cello and bicycles from being repaired (not at the same place) - Henry's cello sounds so much better with the new bridge. He tried it out and was very happy. 

the sunset on my way to buffaloes
officially captured by nina

At Buffaloes rehearsal I was not all the way concentrated, and was messing up silly things. But they were very gentle with me, except that they still can't figure out the difference between me just playing badly (which can happen) and me not knowing how the piece works and when everything happens (which also happens) because to them the result is the same. no matter how often i say "i *know* how it's supposed to be, i just messed up" they feel like they should explain how everything should work. 

Also Henry was annoyed about something food related, and threatened to turn on the child-safety-lock on the oven so that I wouldn't be able to use it. How ironic.

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