Thursday, August 27, 2020

wonderful times (238/365d)

Felix and me made coffee together - once he was on my back the whole time pushing buttons which was extremely exhausting but also extremely fun and silly. once all on his own.
drawing a portrait...
...a portrait of Brian, perhaps?
i went to renate's to do some sponaneous fabuli work and meditate... it was a difficult meditation for me because i felt very distracted and creative and i couldn't manage to get deep into the brain until the session was nearly over.

i stand on the edge of an ocean, holding my heart, the empty space in my chest cannot fit the heart anymore. the waves come in very close and go very far out 

after that i dropped off some books at the uni library and asked about an article that i had been waiting to ask about since before corona. the official advice as to find out whether the library holds the article or not was to request it on ILL and they would tell me if it was available there. *sigh* *libraries here*

Henry finished the HP book he was working on, and I was surprised and bit proud and a bit impressed that he walked himself directly to the library on his own (well, with Theodore) and got himself the next book out.

Nina and Kris came over for coffee, and we didn't get enough time together before it was time for me to go to rehearsal with quintet. After rehearsal I got dropped off at Nina's. Brian picked me up and walked me home after a glass or two of wine.

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