Tuesday, August 25, 2020

many tiny hikes (236/365d)

started the day before breakfast with a hike with Brian.

after breakfast, klaus and I filmed filler material then we went on a hike down to the village and back with the foersters - i had my film camera with me for the first time in a long time. won't see those exposures for a while...

view of the burg from the other side of the Mur
coming back from the hike
one last game of table-football
after everyone else left for home, our family all went for another hike. by the time we got back it was time to drive home, but it was hard to motivate any of the kids to leave, and they were cranky and annoying on the drive home. we even had to stop the car for a moment in an effort to convince them not to poke each other.

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