Wednesday, August 12, 2020

concert in a library (224/365d)

it's getting to be a habit - early morning despite late night, and nothing to do here in the hotel but watch old movies quietly. this time a lucille ball movie, from 1949, Grant Takes Richmond with another great feminist message - if you want to get ahead as a woman you have to be really really stupid.
after movie morning came lesson times, i listened to hours and hours of lessons, all morning and all afternoon. in the evening the star professors had a concert in the library of stift altenburg. the library was so impressive you barely noticed the enormous statue of a rearing horse on one of the columns.
stolen from the internet because i didn't bring my camera
they played beautifully and the location was gorgeous but the acoustics were very bad. the corona virus rules were also very extreme and silly - we had to wait in different areas depending on where we were sitting, and we had to of course keep our distances from everyone. if we were standing up we had to have a mask, but sitting down we didn't. the performers had to wear one to walk in and out of the hall.

afterwards we got pizza, the first hot meal i've had since saturday. it's just been bread and sandwiches. not that pizza is very far removed from a cheese sandwich...

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