Tuesday, August 4, 2020

take a break and relax (216/365d)

henry and i worked out our extended family tree this morning
and this is your second cousin once removed...
and then we got fat envelope from the US that was full of letters for everyone, that we read aloud.

the kids requested sushi for lunch, and our policy is pretty much always "ask and you shall receive"

there was a tremendous thunder/rain/hail/wind storm the second i arrived at this evening's buffaloes rehearsal. we stood outside watching the rain for a while, and the lead singer tripped and fell into a puddle straining his ankle. "i'm fine! let's rehearse!" he said the best cure was apparently to drink a beer, to stop the pain and the swelling. after the rehearsal they took him to the hospital where it was definitely sprained and he can't walk for a week now. no more rehearsals until our gig on the 15th.

no more rain, and quintet had a rehearsal with anselm for his wedding, for which he had arranged daning cheek to cheek to sing and dance with his wife. olena had her birthday today so it was just the four of us and the wedding couple. there were some discussions afterwards, but i left and found nina on the tram, and we went out for some chinese food... in my fortune cookie: take a break and relax

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