Thursday, August 20, 2020

playing catch-up (232/365d)

A morning where I was unexpectedly inspired to write some poetry about the moon...

Nina surprised us pleasantly with croissants in the late morning. We had them with homemade "dirndl" (a regionalism for "Cornelian cherry") marmalade that she had also brought with her.
nina sent this photo to brian
he was working inside
this convinced him to take a break and come outside
bringing henry with him
henry who was originally sad and didn't want to join us
We worked hard cleaning up together but made only a little bit of headway on what has turned into quite a mess. There's still school papers to organize from June. Sometimes I am not sure even where to start....

While they were at the abenteuerspielplatz I mostly just caught up on my blog and weird little projects. Now that I'm caught up I can finally focus on other wonderful tiny projects that have been piling up in my brain. I'll be happy when I can start crossing some of these things off the enormous list (the list isn't even complete!)

the day culminated in a happy walk along the mur with just Brian and me, and in one of the bookshelves along the way i found a very eccentric play for centa, "murdering marlowe"

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