Friday, August 7, 2020

deep in the woods (219/365d)

we went on a very long, several hour, mushroom hunt with the kids. when we got back we discovered that the whole traveled route was about 0.6km. when we got back edward made palatschinken with 3 different random kinds of flour we found, and they were simply amazing, especially filled with chanterelles and sharp cheese from the farmer's market.

mary did a mini water-color class with everyone with felix, who decided he would rather try tomorrow. there was a bit of fighting and crankiness that resolved itself pretty quickly.

morning snooze
morning star-gazing
Brian slept well in strawbed in the little hut in the background
watercolor tutorials
view from the window... where are all the people?
they are all inside solving newspaper puzzles
and making palatschinken
cousins by the campfire
fireside chats

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