Friday, August 28, 2020

may the south never rise again (240/365d)

Bruno points out: there are two kinds of people in the world... Those who are depressed and those who don't get it. .... I found this very funny for some reason

there was some drama at quintet rehearsal again, and then i stole a project. someone in irmtrauds very distantly related family wrote a polka that was dedicated to jefferson davis. not exactly very politically delightful, but she had asked olena a few weeks ago to record it so the other side of the extended family could hear it. olena had never gotten around to it, so i did it this evening.
i know texas is the "lone star" state...
but... i can only think
There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry: Lone Star!
then i lay awake all night with anxious thoughts that had nearly no obvious reason.

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