Wednesday, August 19, 2020

climbing with henry (231/365d)

quite the adventure day today... henry and i went climbing in the trees at hilmteich - ziplining and safety-carabiner-ing our way through the canopy. we wanted to go to the next hardest parcours but i got nervous because i wasn't sure that henry's concentration was exact enough (had made a mistake or two locking a carabiner and checking the zipline connection) ... he had super fun while we were climbing and was a great buddy, though afterwards he was very disinterested in looking for mushrooms before we biked home.

jacky took all the kids swimming so i had some time alone, until pauli called. then i went to get coffee (actually just some water) with him. during our chat he was a bit annoyed that i laughed at something he said which brought back memories of so many other times in my life when i've laughed at inopportune moments just because laughing comes naturally to me at incorrect times.

at home my new wobble board arrived, which gave me a great surface to have a telephone talk with bruno - the background swaying crazily behind me as i balanced on the balance board.

training abdominal muscles with the feet
and after kids' bedtime i had the ultimate luxury of a long online chat with papa while brian had a work meeting till after 11pm

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