Monday, August 17, 2020

goes up to eleven (229/365d)

It's nice to have a Monday where we have nothing scheduled. Maria stopped by serendipitously and Pauli and I met up to have empanadas at a restaurant at which he is newly a regular stammkunde. 
we received our official looking stimulus check with voldemort's name on it. somehow this seemed a bit entertaining to me.
lady liberty looks away
I stopped by the asp playground and discussed the possibility of donating a new foosball table and they found a perfect one on willhaben about an hour later and had picked it up already an hour after that. the one that is there is used every day, and has been falling apart for years. the kids are already looking forward to seeing the "new" professional one tomorrow.

the evening was movie night... "this is spinal tap" at barbara's house - since it's a cult classic that none of us had ever actually seen. 

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