Sunday, August 16, 2020

rainy sunday (228/365d)

Kris and Nina spent their whole Sunday with us. We made good use of our possibilities. 
We had a nice early lunch and then a walk to town, and up the Schlossberg, where we withstood a very short cloud-burst under the fig-tree. The figs aren't *quite* ripe yet. Then we tried the slide down (the longest indoor slide in the world!) everyone except me and Felix. Felix is too small. Brian was going to stay behind with him but I chickened out at the last minute and told Brian to go instead of me. It was apparently very fun for all. Felix and I met them down at the bottom again and we got ice-cream and walked home, getting caught in the rain right at the end of our walk.

What better thing to do on a rainy day than water-colors? Mary had suggested a youtube tutorial for a sunset using three colors, so we did that.
same tutorial, different results
Kris discussed all kinds of little puzzles with the kids - various sorting algorithms using cards, the tower of hanoi, etc. and then he and I tried to build Notre-Dame out of blocks...

Kris had brought us all kinds of cheeses from France so we enjoyed those for dinner with several white wines, and then filled out personality tests (the OCEAN one I had never heard of) for each other discussing the results with much amusement. 

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