Wednesday, August 26, 2020

some days get a bit lost (237/365d)

i guess yesterday was too much altogether. today was such a day full of negative emotions, probably a come-down from all the excitement yesterday. i said nobody could go to the playground today because they were that annoying. in fact, we didn't get to do anything, really.

by the afternoon though, everyone had calmed a bit, and pauli came over for some evening tea. centa wondered how to get the pear out of the schnapps bottle, and after a youtube tutorial suggested a hammer, pauli tried,
Theodore is not convinced by the plan
Centa amused, but keeping her distance
and it ... "worked"...

well, the hammer pushed the bottle off the counter and it smashed on the floor. success. the pear was out and the tool that was used was a hammer. the kids found this moment quite funny.

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