Monday, August 31, 2020

overtone singing (243/365d)

A way too early (8am) doctor's appointment for all the kids to get checked before school-start that they are physically fit for singing. They measured each of them and weighed them, stamped the paper and that was it. Then I took Theodore to his first day of music camp down the street from us at Kalvarienberg.
Bow technique lesson with Gerda I.

At home I did music of my own. Jacob Collier had a moment in his Qwest Masterclass where he did overtone singing and said that everyone has those tiny baby notes in their throats - "it's like little hairs on your arm" - so I went on a quest to find the overtones in my voice - and i found them!

Manuela and Dorian arrived for their extended visit - we hung out in the kitchen for a while while the kids fought us on going to sleep, but at some point all was quiet on the western front.

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