Saturday, August 8, 2020

a wedding (220/365d)

Started the day with watercolors and coffee...

morning light inspires
cappuccino to go
henry and agnes
saying goodbye
then we drove and drove and drove and drove and finally arrived in Graz, where I changed my clothes, gathered my viola, and went to Anselm's wedding. Klaus was setting up all the things, since he was there as musician, videographer, sound engineer and general friend. I was not feeling so well, so I didn't offer that much help. it was a beautiful wedding if you like that sort of thing (i don't) but it went very late, and I was waiting very long. Brian brought the kids around 8pm to say goodbye to me, as I'm leaving for a week. Then after the final show, at 11:30pm I took the car that Brian had rented for me and started the long slog to Horn, a very tiny town north of Vienna.

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