Tuesday, August 18, 2020

the new table! (230/365d)

Wanted to go climbing in the trees with Henry today but the rain was too much, and I had a story-board to make with Klaus that took all morning. Instead, Henry had a lesson with Nadja, and I promised him to take him on the climbing adventure tomorrow.

They were very excited about getting to the playground early enough to be the first ones to play on the new table. Brian and i went to pick them up at closing time, also because we wanted to see too. it's very pretty.
family at work!
I waited till after 9pm to read them a story and they didn't want to hear one until I said it was too late for me. i went for a walk and ended up at the foerster house for some wine and cheese and olives. Brian joined us at nearly midnight, just in time to walk me home - a very pleasant evening temperature for a walk under the stars.

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