Friday, August 21, 2020

NINETY files (233/365d)

finally focusing on some projects that i've been laying aside for a while. Bruno asked me to send him some samples of viola sounds. today he got a folder of 90 files of viola samples... i'm curious what ends up happening with them

also found beckett's Company in mama's seemingly endless bookshelf today, and I think this quote sums up the whole book "As then there was no then so there is none now." .. i kept alternating between wanting to tear up the book in frustration and finding moments of pure genius. "For why or?" AAAAAAARGH
my favorite passage so far...
the kids all left for a boy's day - which is actually a boy's night - they are sleeping in a cave in Peggau. Felix is on his first overnight trip with the abenteuerspielplatz. They all packed and got ready both for this trip and for tomorrows trip to the Burg to do the next video for quintet. Brian and I have the evening to ourselves to clean up and finish watching "what about Bob" that we started yesterday (we had to stay awake long enough to wait for the laundry to finish because we had promised Henry his pants, although he didn't even end up wearing them today)

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