Saturday, April 20, 2019

visitors arrive and we paint eggs (9/365c)

some slovenians arrived today, and we painted eggs and went on a terrific (now nearly traditional) walk up the kalvarianberg.

the easterbread dough looked successful, more alcohol than ever in the dough, and it rose happily.
when i asked the general public what they wished for for breakfast tomorrow, the only wish spoken was martin's: "rice."

opening christmas presents that we had brought back from the US

sunglasses ladies

dandelion dreams
brian ran with theodore while the rest of us walked
he caught up to us, but ran a bit farther and met us at the top

mary and henry shadow play <3
felix and agnes collecting some kind of tree flower that they called "caterpillars"

egg painting kitchen party nearing evening
we sang the miserere around the easter fire - henry needed no helium to hit the high c. ingrid cz. came by and sang with us. she brought each kid a kinder surprise egg and hid them. we tried to get them to find the eggs by suggesting they get sticks for the fire and they kept actually finding sticks. finally one found a chocolate egg and they were so excited, but it was already quite dark, so they all got headlamps. that might have been the funnest easter egg hunt ever. our fire was a stack of pinecones that i poured wax over. it was very perfect. we sang some more, talked some more, and didn't stay up way too late cooking or cleaning, although centa and brian went to act easter bunny in the dark.

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