Thursday, April 11, 2019

comin' round the mountain (364/365b)

very cold and rainy and my day in kindergarten again. i wore snow pants, double layers of socks, winter scarf hat and mittens and i was still shivering and freezing by the stove. i showed the kids how to make necklaces from soapstone, which was a huge hit. fritz had given me a rather large stone because i had asked him nicely. he finds it in some far away place and brings it to the abenteuerspielplatz for exactly that: necklaces and crafts.

maria visits with gabrielle, she showed me flamenco moves that i may be able to use for brandenburg concerto with my quintet... let's see.

henry split his lip by slipping on the rug trying to play football indoors with a tennis ball. instead of an ice-pack i offer him a frozen chocolate pop.

highlight of evening entertainment was when felix and i played "she'll be coming round the mountain" for 4 hand piano, and everyone else sang along, all the verses.
brian took a video and i made an even granier screenshot
i stayed up way way way too late (after 1am) first talking to mary for "real quick" (for an hour and a half) and then labeeby "for only a few minutes" (for an hour and a half) .. man do i miss my family!

in the course of my conversation with mary. my wordplay book mystery was solved. mary confided to me that she bought the book and sent it to me. not to be a mysterious present but to buy for herself from an amazon 3rd party and just kept the address the same from the last thing she had sent here. //anti-climactic

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