Tuesday, April 9, 2019

to earn or not to earn that is the question (362/365b)

went back to kindergarten. lots and lots of people, new kids, grownups. it was weird to hang out there, i wasn't really needed much, everything was pretty relaxed, and there were plenty of grown-ups to take care of everything. but time passed quickly, and i played games with other kids. felix was mostly off by himself. felix and i stayed at the foerster house for dinner and hang-out time. a thunderstorm threatened the entire time. we lay in the sun, lazily, then a few drops fell on us and we went inside, and then back outside again, cyclically. i left when the child thunderstorm broke - a great 3-kid tantrum that knocked the wind right out of me.

meanwhile theodore and henry were with brian at the "lauf-cup" where he ran around and around a track as many times as you can as fast as you want. he did pretty well for no training, and was very excited to get a medal, and was quite annoyed as well that henry did one lap for fun and also got a medal "which he didn't even EARN" ....
at the race

so very proud
my moving middle child of the boundless energy
during brian's evening chorus, nina came over when she thought the kids would be long asleep. little did she know even felix wanted a good night time story still, and she obliged.
Awesome Nina reading to the Amazing Felix
after nina left i heard theodore upstairs in the attic, still awake. aiaiai, they are up way too late. brian's completely right: we need to make sleep a priority!

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