Monday, April 29, 2019

all day plant market part 2 (17/365c)

Brian got home today early in the morning, fully rested from his night train from Zurich and his day biking around that fair, but fairly expensive, city. I tried to bake cookies in the morning, emphasis on "try" - nothing went right until it was so comically bad I just gave up. Brian decided to spend his day with us at the botanical gardens. at least until he went with henry and theodore to watch theodore in king roger. 
Meanwhile Felix asked nearly every person walking by "would you like to buy an oak tree for 10 euros?"
There were a few main answers:
*ignore/question not understood/"aww you're so cute"
*"no"/"absolutely not"
*"yes i really want it, but aww, i don't have space on my balcony"
*"i don't have money with me right now, i'm just at the market looking around" (one lady even said she would "come back" and buy it after she went to an atm)
but no takers, until finally, one guy said "10 euros is too much, how much can i have it for?" "5 euros, minimum." "ok, 7,50" .... fritz and i looked at each other wide-eyed, and the fritz started giving him all kinds of plants "for free" ... felix was just over the moon happy. he also sold a book he had brought with him. the man wants to make some money - i have no idea why - he doesn't ever want to spend it!
A replanted oak tree ready to go to the market
Fritz drove us home after we helped him clean up. i was exhausted. the kitchen was still a wreck from my failed cookie extravaganza. i covered the room with plants i had bought and gotten from fritz. some i went out and planted in the dark and in the rain.
exhausted among the plants

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