Thursday, April 4, 2019

QUICK! finish making the candles! (357/365b)

brian let me sleep in - i'm catching some kind of sore throat though

nina was over for breakfast, felix read with us, but didn't want to go outside

went with felix ALMOST to botanical gardens, then swith henry with felix... at school for his first communion henry had aktionsnachmittag and i had rememebered "4pm" and not "14:00" so, i had to rush to get there for him. there were three 1/2 hour things, a little lecture on church history, a room to write some invitations, and a room to make a candle. made a candle under stress, the way that centa described the same event from last year: all the mom's are working, not letting their kid do things "because it has to be *pretty*" and then they start running out of time and the panic sets in. henry and i stayed calm the whole time and had a good time, and we got done in time too. ;)

met up with brian and the other boys at jakominiplatz, had icecream, dropped theodore off at singschule and went home.

i went and bought a new bike from craigslist, exactly what i had always wanted when i originally was thinking of buying a bike 3 years ago. the people that sold it to me seemed to be hobby fleamarketeurs, and they were a couple that was super friendly to me and super mean to each other. i was minorly annoyed that the bike was missing some cool doodads that should have been on there that were in the picture online but i'm pretty sure they took them off to sell separately. i didn't care enough about any of them to complain, i just wanted the bike.

saw gorgeous clouds on the way home and kicked myself for not having a camera with me.

miguel's visit came to an end. we haven't really seen much of him at all, he was a very quiet house guest.

so many things i could have taken pictures of, but i kept my shutter closed.
i received this in the mail from an unknown admirerer
a book that had no return address, bill, receipt, postmark
nor was my address handwritten
it arrived from somewhere in england.
it is fascinating
but who sent it?

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