Saturday, April 27, 2019

so many full circles... (15/365c)

Ran into so very many people today at random.

Went to take photos of people (barbara's group) and then had coffee with Manuela at some hipster coffee place.

i found Niko again, the guy I met 3 years ago when he helped me fix Theodore's flat tire outside the Bicycle store. I was picking up my bike from being serviced, and he was in exactly the same place as he was then, and he totally recognized me instantly.

Saw Phil the Fiddler on my way to the playground.

Ingrid Czerny brought some clothes for Mary directly to the abenteuerspielplatz. Maria was there too. It was nice to sit around and chat about shamans and energy with the ladies and with fritz.

Fritz asked me if I wanted to visit him at his plant stand tomorrow at the botanical gardens. Since we have no other plans that sounds just wonderful.
hiding at "duck's cafe"
snuggles in the garden
henry being adorable

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