Sunday, April 28, 2019

all day plant market part 1 (16/365c)

Centa and I stood on the porch today at 5am waving goodbye to the taxi taking Mary and Agnes to Krakow. I went back to bed and my kids let me sleep until I was refreshed and rested. I hurried us off to he plant market where Fritz had set up a stand selling beautiful homeground plants, many medicinal, for donations that support the abenteuerspielplatz. There were other people there from the playground, but they didn't stay long. I was so shy I didnt help much with the selling until a few hours had gone by. Felix became obsessed with the idea coming again tomorrow, bringing his oak tree and some other plants with us, and selling things there.

checking out the tropics house
spiral leaf things
reading our new book.
Preussler's Kleine Hexe
There was a big wheel of fortune to spin and the kids each took a spin for a euro. My job today had been letting people win, but I was happy just letting random chance be the ruler here. Felix won a little tiny box filled with little teeny tiny stones. The others didn't win anything, which seemed ok. But the day got slowly colder and colder, and the kids started reading one of the books from the prize pile, which they were totally overjoyed when Fritz just gave it to them.
fritz explaining which precious stones are which

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