Monday, April 22, 2019

easter sunday (10/365c)

woke up stupid early so i could put the easter bread in (it turned out absolutely perfectly! my first time!) and make a spinach souffle before rehearsal...
bed head and pajama souffle chefs
also now traditional, playing in puntigam for the service there. henry had an earache all night, so i just went with centa, and the other three kids. during rehearsal they ate oatmeal for breakfast, read stories outside. during the service they were completely perfectly behaved, calm, quiet and interested. afterwards they found an extra chocolate easter bunny hidden in the grass for henry.

at home again, henry seemed better, the easter egg hunt was immediately in full swing, we set the table and enjoyed our breakfast.

sang songs afterwards and there was lots of random nap taking. and in the evening we even had rice! :)

a subset of the party

me and henry and felix. 
finding an egg - waaay too easy, and yet it was one of the last ones!
my papa's rule: in plain sight

i didn't notice that mary's unbelievable asparagus tart is cut off in the corner
it really was a looker
the whole dinner was really very pretty
martin said it was the prettiest breakfast he had ever been at
agnes said of the tart: "mama, the presentation is very good. but this is very bad"
to be fair, i think a savory tart following a portion of whipped cream and berries is a bad idea
i snuck upstairs to find the kids cutting a ream of paper into small pieces to make paper money. a lot of the bills were of value "0 cents" which makes me feel the currency may soon implode in an existential crisis. as i sat observing and eavesdropping, theodore asked agnes if she wanted to be a scientist when she grew up and she answered "no, i can be a scientist right now"

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