Saturday, April 6, 2019

boys day and makey-makey (359/365b)

Began the day with a quite long tantrum. Brian and Felix had long left for watching Ingrid from next door's gymnastics tournament, and Henry suddenly decided he had wanted to go with them. Fritz eventually picked them up at 11am and took them to Burgenland for Boy's Day (I wasn't sure Henry would be able to handle that, but apparently the second he got into the car and they left Henry was his normal happy self again and there were no problems whatsoever. asked at the end of the day: did you have fun at boys day? he answered in the most chagrined tone, with the most chagrined face "yes...")

bananas and oranges control the game theodore and henry programmed
when everyone was home again we had a half hour of looking at the program that the big kids had made a few days ago with brian at the coding dojo. everyone had fun, but it was difficult to remember to come down afterwards and start getting ready for bed.

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