Monday, April 1, 2019

april fools day (354/365b)

wanted to take theodore to the doctor today, at 8am, and to school later, but that wasn't an option, because it was important that he could play a trick on his teacher in honor of april fools day.

just an absolutely gorgeous day today
spring has sprung
the grass is riz
i wonder where
the birdies iz
felix stayed home from kindergarten and i slept in nice and late. we did reading together, and then i went to my lesson with elke... worked on my reznicek introduction while i waited for theodore to do his homework and go to his lesson with elke. he was so very cranky, but things got better when brian got there with henry to watch the afternoon recital of mr. winkler's students.

i got home with felix to meet up with one of felix's friends... we were locked out so i put felix up through a window and had him unlock the door. :/ entertaining the friends mom was socially difficult for me. she didn't want tea or snacks, she seemed cold outside and uncomfortable inside.

after they left i tried my hand at making sticky rice with coconut milk in nao fashion. miguel played football with my kids

i gave felix the idea to start the destruction of a cabinet (we are trying to throw it away but it doesn't fit in the garbage unless it's in small pieces) with a hammer while miguel (maybe a bit terrified) looked on - he pointed out he also noticed that felix sometimes uses the punching bag in the basement.

bath time then should have been bedtime but henry begged to play corelli, so then it was trio time... then lots of fairy tales: howard pyle, grimms, italian ones by calvino....

then a nice late evening tea time while i was waiting for brian to come back from his choir rehearsal (ausnahmsweise on monday instead of tuesday) and i explained what flickr was to miguel....

and now ......... i am completely up to date on my blog! no joke. :)

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