Wednesday, April 3, 2019

listening (355/365b)

a dialogue between Henry and Felix:
Felix took Henry into the other room to show him the rocks he had gathered at the playground. He took a small bowl with him and after unstuffing pockets, came back to the kitchen to get a larger bowl. Then, in a very matter-of-fact voice he says: "I don't think these rocks can walk or talk."  Henry in disbelief "these rocks? did you think they could talk?" to which felix explains "well, a girl at the playground told me that she had a lucky rock that could talk, and that maybe one of these was a lucky rock for me that could talk to me." after a few seconds of silence his voice drops and felix confides in a whisper "i know they don't talk because i tried. i said 'hello, rock, hello rock, can you hear me? can you talk' and none of them answered. and i don't think they can walk because they are all still in my pocket."

a monologue in the waiting room with background story:
a man and a woman couple, she is nearly 5feet10, and he perhaps barely 5feet tall. she seems much younger (at least 10 or 15 years) than he. i have seen them for years walking around our neighborhood and to and from the farmers market, always together, the cutest couple ever i think, she so patient and loving, he so calm and quiet. on our way into the doctors office to have theodore's foot looked at, we can't find right way to open the door, and she walks in behind us with a smile, uses the right door opener button and lets us in. she impatiently takes his insurance card out of his wallet which is in his jacket pocket, and gets a bunch of papers for prescriptions. they don't have an appointment but for 30 minutes she stands in the waiting room while he sits looking on and listening explaining that this is "another 80 euros down the drain" "i guess we're lucky, in america nothing is paid for" "the current youth doesn't know how to save, they just throw 3 euros at a cup of coffee, but they don't go out, they have coffee at home" "our children have their own problems. if they could save it would be better, but they throw around money and so they have to work more. no time for us - they could call though, they don't even though they are always on their phones" "of course, we can't really go out much these days, look at him, completely unable to do anything. doesn't stay home alone, always goes with me, can't walk far, how can i go out for coffee?" "91 years old, and i have to play nurse at home. do you know how much i have to rub creams and ointments?" "he doesn't leave me alone, he's like a tick: you can't get rid of him" "just look at him! completely demented, i have to answer the same questions over and over." .... it's funny how after all these years of fantasizing about what a nice sweet couple they are i finally have a more complete picture of who they are from a few minutes of listening.
eta: found a photo of the two of them
another day of no kindergarten. went over the plans for next week with jacky and andi, let's see how the chips fall. i wanted to go bury felix's mouse in kindergarten after they are let out but we couldn't get ourselves together in time. instead we played at the playground with maria and gabrielle. theodore and i went to the doctor and he missed his ensemble in the waiting room.

the morning i spent with felix was quite relaxed and wonderful, dedicated to gardening and smashing things.

mother and son bonding
(i'm uisng the cup he made himself for drinking too)

smashing is so fun
busy buzzing

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