Saturday, April 13, 2019

starting the new blog year in the mountains without a camera (1/365c)

up at 5:30 to do some computer work, editing some photos. brian had kind of a sore throat and stayed in bed till i left around 8:30.
a hike up the Schöckl with Isabella, with my camera safely on the table at home (with a charged battery and and empty memory card) ..... gorgeous hike, got lost twice though. "lost" is an overstatement, we just missed the trail that we had been on and ended up on a different one, once on the way up and once on the way down. i bought some honey from mountain bees.

isabella is responsible for the only picture from today. i'll post it when she sends it.

At home we had practice time, and piano playing time and clean up time and then watched the pied piper of hamelin from 1957 which at least has a hollywood ending, and a lot of music by grieg.

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