Monday, April 8, 2019

a concert a catastrophe and a confession* (361/365b)

*a title of a chapter of anne of green gables. as a child, i believed there were two words, "catah-strofe" and "ka-TAH-stro-fee" ... i had never seen the second one in print, but the first was perhaps even worse.

i awoke to the sound of theodore upset, that i wrote felix's stories into HIS blank book (that he hadn't written in in 3 years and i had forgotten was his) .... so i spent quite a bit of time today copying felix's stories (10 pages of them!) and erasing the ones in theodore's book. disaster averted, though the pages aren't 100% pristine anymore, and theodore still hasn't written in the saved book.
laboriously erasing labor
i went to a kindergarten discussion, this time with the supervisor, and they were very friendly, but the conversation was very difficult, the upshot being that i would be accompanying him to kindergarten 2 days a week for the next few weeks to see if i can glean any insights or make any suggestions on how to make the kindergarten work better for these kinds of typical behavioral patterns.

with that firmly finished, i met manuela for a concert... it wasn't exactly relax and tune out - mahler 5 and bruch violin concerto with Emmanuel Tjeknavorian. for his encore he talked for several minutes about how he didn't have time to play a real encore piece, and mahler sometimes used children's tunes in his work, so he would just play alle meine entchen, and then he played twinkle twinkle little star. as in, he played exactly like a beginner, with open strings and everything. that was his encore.

at home again brian and i had a lengthy discussion, the upshot being we just really really really love each other even when i create chaos.

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