Wednesday, April 24, 2019

chasing music (13/365b)

Brian was long gone when I woke up. I got up when the kids should get ready for school. They did most everything themselves though.
Felix pretended to give me a stamp and then had to draw the image on:
a unicorn
One for Agnes too before 6:30am
Making his own lunch sandwich
Theodore smooshes the fresh cut parsley into the butter #gourmetelementary
Mary and I haven't played really together yet, except with the kids. Still not. Theodore and I played at the old folks home in the hospital district today as part of Thomas' orchestra. I picked him up from school and we made it just in time. It was so warm there! He headed home on his own and I went on to quintet rehearsal. In the meantime Mary took the rest of the kids to drop Felix off at his chorus in town. 
In the style of a cigarette cancer warning:
Sexism causes substantial damage to you and the people in your surroundings 
on a timer. 12 seconds to get it right or try again.
Klaus drove us all home, which involved a long trip all around the city. We live in very different parts of the city and its surroundings.

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