Friday, April 12, 2019

another YEAR finished (365/365b)

felix covered with paint and with bamboo stick
-my little wild man in his green suspenders
with a twisted willow necklace
and his self-cut hair
i spent so much glorious nothing-to-do-just-chat time with Manuela - i love her fridays off! :) brian took care of everything in the morning so he was exhausted all day. i got to sleep in, except for waking up to cure a very quick tantrum moment. numerous cups of coffee later, manuela and i made our way to the abenteuerspielplatz. brian took over the kids from there, and i took theodore to thomas' orchestra concert, which went very nicely. on our way back i heard from renate and gisela that they were both in town, and at ginko's, a vegetarian restaurant. we were exactly 2 walking minutes away from there so theodore and i headed there. meanwhile brian was watching his two kids and the two foerster kids. they left right before theodore and i got back. i was such a nice relaxing day. plus i caught my blog up to date just in time for its birthday! i can hardly believe this is day 365 of my second year. it's a little bit astounding to look back at the wealth of information i have stored about my little family in the cloud. i guess i will go and charge my camera battery now, and get some sleep so i can hike properly tomorrow morning.

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