Sunday, April 7, 2019

the day the world went backwards(360/365b)

so many coffee shops today! early in the morning i took theodore and henry to their choir rehearsal.
went to get coffee and pizza with pauli. the restaurant was on the beginning of a very short one way street with a construction site at the end that neither of us had noticed. the result of that was that many people drove backwards down the street, since it was essentially also a dead end. these people clearly lived around there, they just left their homes and drove in reverse like it was normal. three times in a row, we sat there as cars drove backwards past us before i noted that it felt very strange. it kept happening. we joked we were in a stanley kubrick movie. we went walking through town and met up with theodore and henry and went to the folklore museum where more strange things happened. the glass bridge from one side of the museum to the other isn't even flat, it's a very slight incline. everything felt a little out of whack.
paging stanley kubrick
The folklore museum was very interesting but it gave me a bit of an unsettled feeling.
this church is accessible to the public once a year...

the choir loft is accessible through a door in the museum
does the organ work?
i believe not
at home again theodore and henry and brian left to go see a concert of the chichester psalms, and isabella came over to say hi (we were supposed to go to the opera together, but brian had previously made plans with theodore that i had overlooked so we skipped the opera and just had tea and chatting until brian got home) felix wanted her to read his new stories in his blank book. When he dictates he always corrects himself from "me and papa" and "we" to "felix and his papa" ... he wants the stories in the third person, but that doesn't exactly come naturally to him.

he was climbing the doorframe while she read
once he even made himself into a bridge that both isabella and i could fit under, one at a time
he almost fell on me

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