Tuesday, September 18, 2018

the day we ordered all the coffees (161/365b)

it was a very strange day. it started off totally cool and easy and normal. i just had just a nice mild coffee in the morning with nina, and boy was i glad it was mild! she dropped me off in downtown for coffee date with irmtraud and barbara and we ordered ALL the coffees... 11 of them.
The waiter was surprised... you want all of these... all at once? ok!

11 coffees for 3 people - we can do this... or can we?
in the end we basically had to give up. irmtraud had to get to her next appointment and there were still some coffees left over. i mixed them all into a glass, a "doppelter velaengerter fiaker mit milch" i called it, and it was slightly worse than drinking dishwater. barbara and i are already punchy as a baseline and now were were positively bonkers. 

before all the caffeine
after all the caffeine
then eventually, the caffeine rush, and then the crash. so so so tired. i fell asleep 3 times. i took the kids to the playground having run out of ideas. there, there were 2 boys that were so mean, and so poorly behaved. i disciplined one of them when he was hitting another kid for no reason, while the mom was standing right there not saying anything, and afterwards she asked me vapidly "what he had been doing wrong?" .... 

spontaneously i asked isabella over and she read stories to my kids after they stopped running around screaming and hyper. then i talked way too much, hopefully i didn't scare her away forever. 

I hate "max und moritz"
and isabella didn't mind reading it. she reads aloud so beautifully

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