Tuesday, September 4, 2018

coffee for instagram (147/365b)

nonchalant at suesse luisa
Figuring out how to meet when her kid is sick and we have company is not so easy, but our quintet keeps up our instagram (or Barbara does) and on wednesdays we talk about who we are. Except in the summer time we don't generate so much content but we still have to output what we say we are going to. this time (for the next 5 weeks) we are writing about our favorite coffee shops. Aww, poor us: we had to go get ourselves a coffee and a croissant.

It turns out i had missed a text message about a gig that we are playing on the 23rd. i sent brian a message to put it on the calendar, and got a text immediately back that i assumed was from brian, but it was actually a quite unrelated person saying that they want me to play a quite unrelated gig on the 23rd. Graz! You have to stop trying to double, triple, quadruple book me! I have lots of unbooked weekends, please just ask first!

when i got home i sat down and edited photos right away, which took a long time actually, because i'm just so far behind on photo stuff. tara tried to get the kids to go pretty much anywhere. she and shawn wanted to go out for dinner tonight, and she said she was planning on leaving at 4:30, but she would pretty much go anywhere and do anything before then. at 4:15 they weren't even properly dressed but they convinced her to let them show her the abenteuerspielplatz. we followed after and rescued her.

brian and i entrusted our 3 boys to the personel and went for a walk of our own - picked up henry's bow from getting rehaired, and picked up a package from the post office, and overall just had a nice walk together. our package was all books so we kind of got lost in them in the evening. and then just as i was getting ready to go to sleep brian asked if i still had any plans for the apples in the bowl.... oh

oh yes.

i was going to make an apple strudel, the one thing tara had asked for. i made the dough. everything was so very very very sticky! i don't know why. i've never made such sticky dough (except for everything with rye flour) .... the first one completely fell apart. i made more, added butter. it stuck too. not to the pan though. i think the the world is just so humid and hot and nothing is quite right. as soon as it baked it was perfect. really really perfect. it was also past 1am. i hope people like apple strudel for breakfast - we won't have any other time to eat it. brian and tara and shawn start their Mur River bike trip tomorrow, and we're doing the first few miles with them. Train leaves at 10:04. Better get to bed!

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