Monday, September 3, 2018

cast off! (146/365b)

SOOO happy that Felix got his cast off today! Brian took him in. The rest of us went hiking.

Up to the burgruine goesting.

I took zero pictures because of battery exhaustion, although i carried the heavy camera all the way up and back, slung over my shoulder like a highschool student. as tara said, she used to think "back pack over one shoulder = high-school. back pack over two shoulder = college."

henry wants to take a break at the first bench.
Admiring the view at the top: high yield hike
pointing out the train station and the schlossberg
me and henry looking over the wall

Theodore and Henry practice Henry's new "SUPER ZOOM" technique
shawn and henry discussing when the bus ticket might expire
theodore showing us the short cuts
brian waiting for us at home, with felix
still not comfortable to walk, but teaching shawn labyrinth is just fine.

Spent the afternoon with Michi and Raphi. Tara had work to do and Shawn had shopping to do. Michi and I sat in the full hot sun and watched the rain pour down right next to us. Strange weather we're having.

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