Sunday, September 9, 2018

brian's back! (152/365b)

new record for me, getting up out of bed fully awake at 1:30am. 2 coffees before 8am. curious how the day will progress from here.

most of the day we were in rettenbachklamm walking slowly and mushroom hunting. spent hours just "building a dam" in the middle of the brook. building boats with sticks tied together with ferns. we found dozens of parasols, and were very happy with our harvest. some person (we called he/she "crazy mushroom lady) had walked not too long before us, and had picked all the edible mushrooms and knocked over all the inedible ones. like, every single one.

except for these ;)
we had no water with us at all (we drank it on the walk to the bus station when we left) and towards the end of the trip we thought it would be fun to roll down a hill in the sun. i rolled 2 turns and was very very dizzy. but they rolled down, ran back up, rolled down again etc.
before we even got home we stopped and got water. everyone drank at least a liter without stopping to take a breath.

brian got home late late late from his bike trip, sweaty and happy. well, it wasn't *really* late, it just felt late because we were trying to get to sleep extra early because school is starting tomorrow.

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