Thursday, September 20, 2018

look ma, no pants (163/365b)

this morning felix and i were ready to leave 15min before our usual time. i was quite surprised. outside, in helmet, hiking boots, rain jacket and backpack, felix suddenly looks down at his legs and said with a surprised voice: "Oh! I think I forgot to put on pants!" In he went to remedy the situation while I laughed and laughed and laughed. We still got to jackie and andi's in record time. I went hunting around for mushrooms again but found nary a single one, but I also didn't get lost at all, just stuck to the paths and was boring. I got back just in time to make coffee for myself and nina and drink it in 10 minutes before she left again.

we spent the afternoon at singschule and standing in line to get tickets and walking to the library which was closed, and the evening very cranky. i had to yell theodore a few times. at i think we all need more sleep.

manuela was here for dinner, and that was most nice, although we didn't have a very fancy dinner. sometimes you don't need much. we didn't have much food in the house. i read the kids to sleep and then we kept centa company while she made cake downstairs. and guess what, brian said he was coming back tonight, and i had gotten mixed up and thought tomorrow night - win for me! he said i shouldn't wait up till 3am when he would arrive, but how could i not? i missed him so much!

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