Saturday, September 1, 2018

RAIN?! (144/365b)

When we left to show Tara and Shawn the Farmer's market I felt a drop or two, and thought I'd take a rain jacket and umbrella "just in case" it rains. Felix's cast isn't supposed to get wet at all.

bundling up
Well, we hadn't been at the market more than a half a minute before it started to pour beyond belief, and it was a good thing felix was covered in my jacket and an umbrella (his cast still got a little wet, but not horrible) and I was left completely, very much completely, drenched, to the skin. Like i'd gone swimming. Brian got back and all the shopping bags, even the shopping bags inside shopping bags were completely soaked. But he had finished buying everything that we needed for the weekend.

So mostly we stayed inside after that. Card games...
felix won 11 games of rummy and centa 0
one man's grin is another's chagrin.

all kinds of politics and running shoe shop

Theodore and Henry came back from their campout, and they were very happy to find fresh hummus (I tried to recreate Berlin hummus, and got pretty close) and fresh veggies. They told us they "weren't tired at all" but that they had "stayed up all night."

I can't believe it's September. I'm not ready for the end of summer. I guess that's what this cold rain is supposed to tell us about.

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