Friday, September 14, 2018

days are for doing things i like (157/365b)

what better way to start the day than with an early morning hike. well, one starting around 8. we went up jakob's leiter, with the side intent of looking for mushrooms, but it's been very dry lately, and that's a well traveled path anyways and there were none. as brian asked "what if we were out for 2 and a half hours and all we did was spend time together and hike?"

my alone time was very short, but that's alright. i picked up theodore and henry from school and took them to the museum of locks and keys. a very interesting place. one thing they had there was this old box of game pieces. i took a (crappy cell phone) picture of it because i asked the museum curator what the game was that used these pieces and they said nobody knows what game it is. i thought i would be able to figure it out. but it turns out it's extremely difficult to search for games by piece without knowing anything else about it. when we got home i spent a little too long looking up ways to look it up.
four colors, white, yellow, blue, red
in disks, long rectangles and short rectangles
of course, as soon as it suddenly started to pour i had to leave for quintet rehearsal. it was a high energy rehearsal where we taught our new cellist lots of little ensemble inside jokes. 3 1.5 hour sessions. i got home to find centa dremeling our ostrich egg with some very strange machine seemingly intended for feet (?) ... sometimes we find things and have no need for answers. anyways, her art came out well.

art on a non-flat or smooth surface


  1. Hmmm, I believe this is an old set of poker chips :)


    1. Well, I'm going to go put a hat on so that I may take it off to the queen!

      How on Earth's Internet did you find that so fast? Thank you for putting me out of my rabbit-hole hunting!

      I researched a tiny bit farther, because I was curious about the multiple colors AND multiple shapes.... it seems it is more likely something like chips for Quadrille a very once very popular game. It's similar (apparently) to a game called "german solo" but I don't recommend googling "german solo chips"

    2. OH! Should I go to the museum and tell them you p0wned them?

    3. I wouldn't say it with those exact words, but museums should be grateful for recieving new information on displayed objects, no?

    4. haha, that's fine. i actually don't know how to pronounce p0wned or what it is translated into proper german.
