Saturday, September 22, 2018

live rehearsal (165/365b)

teaching her some inside jokes

are you going to be nervous tomorrow?
(can i have another question?)
the amount of planning and effort that goes into an event like the inauguration of the new lutheran bishop in styria is just staggering. orf is doing a live feed of the entire event tomorrow, which means they have camera crews and everything setting up all day today, and already filming the preparations in preparation.  we were there from 2-7 hoping for a few seconds of their time to do a sound check. we were moved in and out, waited till it rained, moved back to somewhere else, asked to hold things, asked to pretend to be people so they could check seating placement, and finally 15 minutes before 7 they did our soundcheck, which took a minute and a half, and then we went home. hope the livefeed doesn't end before we even play tomorrow, that would be a little disappointing.

michi's abschlussfeier was today: she finished all the stuff she needs to be a therapist officially and is celebrating by renting a restaurant, selecting a huge dance playlist, and inviting all her friends, wedding style. i got there as the party was winding down, and helped them clean up. there was at food *leftover* for at least double the people that she had invited. packing it all up was difficult. she wanted to do one dance with me, but her kids kept interrupting or getting minorly hurt somehow or shooting soccer balls across the restaurant. i ended up taking a bicycle basket full of bread home because nobody wanted it. 

i felt a bit sad i hadn't spent really any time with tara and shawn today but we ended up chatting with centa and tara (shawn was already asleep) well into the wee hours of the morning. telling nightmare stories of times we got nervous, and reminiscing with laughter at silly failures of the past. 

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