Sunday, September 16, 2018

how many engineers does it take to fix a bench? (159/365b)

A gorgeous morning, and I couldn't sit still, so I grabbed the other person in the house who can never sit still (Henry of course!) and took him for a run along the Mur. Rather, he biked and I tried to keep up. We went pretty far, and we stopped and looked at things too. It was a very nice day, lots of joggers out. Only problem was that we didn't have any water with us. We stopped at a public water spout on the way, but the water pressure is so high that you soak yourself and your shoes and barely get any water in your mouth - really it is intended to fill a bottle - which we didn't have.

We got back very hungry, and I made a cauliflower tumeric stir fry to die for - sooo good. And this is how I know: Even HENRY liked it! 

Then, although Brian had a bus and a flight to catch we started the fix-a-bench project. He cut, I painted. It took lots and lots of time to get everything just right. And I had extra paint and extra waiting for the paint to dry time so I took care of that by painting every other kind of board in sight. It looks so pretty. The paint is stuff I found in the basement that was "best before" 2007. Well. I cracked it open, stirred it for a few minutes, like, a long time, and then it was a gorgeous glossy red color. Score!

Everybody helping

Little helpers in construction brand shirts ("strauss")

red men playing cards
blue man hula hooping

using up expired paint

brian rushed away and just caught the bus. he'll be back in a few days. meanwhile it's bath time and story time and music time, and early bed time. alarm is set alarmingly early for me so that we have plenty of time in the morning.

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