Saturday, September 8, 2018

rettenbachklamm with 3 adults 6 kids and a dog (150/365b)

I was mad when i took this photo originally
but now it's my favorite of the day, by far

we three kindergarten driving group are reunioning today for fun. a nice hike up to the old (moved out of kindergarten) with all our kids on this perfect weather friday was just the thing. it just took a little while to get moving. "morning" turned into leaving at 12:30. And when jackie came to pick me up, i was just getting into the shower.
our hiking clothes
we found mushrooms, we walked slowly, had snacks in some light drizzle, were dazzled and scared by the sudden onslaught of very near thunder, and came back soaked from sudden rain. all in all, pretty good hiking.

im always a little sad that mine are too big to carry around
but also i don't envy the job of actually carrying around a sleeping child over slippery rocks and up steep hills

when we got back we were briefly locked out. it was no big deal. the kids had packed my backpack, and my keys were not something they thought of and neither did i. we used our few minutes to do some yard work. there are worse ways to spend time. dinner was just an egg on some leftovers, "that's all?" said the kids but then there were even leftovers of that. we don't eat nearly close to as much when brian the mega-runner is not here. 

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