Tuesday, September 25, 2018

tara's last day (168/365b)

well, tara and shawn's last day is today, but really they were trying to get on the 10am train so there wasn't really a lot of time to do anything any more. tara went with brian to the kindergarten and shawn and i drank coffee and fixed the world's political problems. nina came too to say goodbye.

brian and i biked them to the train station by way of roseggerhaus so they could get packing tape. that worked out nicely, and we said our goodbyes and then biked home the slow way past all the thrift stores until we found white t-shirts for theodore and henry's "africa project" at school. i couldn't in good conscience buy brand new t-shirts at the h&m made by some kids in some sad factory situation in bangladesh for them to print on. we couldn't find any blank white t-shirts in thrift stores either. one thrift-store owner explained that they just throw them away because nobody buys those second hand because they are so cheap new.

for only 2 hours in the afternoon (3 if you include transit) our quintet made a video to welcome marielis. first we recorded klaus' brand new (12 hours old) arrangement of Also Sprach Zarathustra, then we shot the whole video from start to finish, then we went on our merry ways

our video setup

i tried to buy lampshades for our old chandelier in our living/dining/children's bedroom .... but nobody has the right size, i walked all over the city with my viola case. also tried to buy some shoes (again) but didn't find the right ones (again). shopping is such a waste of time.

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