Thursday, September 6, 2018

biking, there and back and there and back again (148/365b)

we nearly didn't make it out on time today - we left much much later than our intended time. and because of construction on the bike route to the train station we actually had a little bit of a weird way there too. but we still made it in plenty of time.

brian was packing and repacking his paniers and his stuff for the week, but for this part of the journey he took everything off again and carried felix on the bike seat. we made it the first 5km in pretty fast (for with kids) despite some stops (picture taking) hiccups along the way like...
always time to check out the view

short break before we get back in the saddle
theodore's chain fell off 1/2km from where we left - so cute, henry had a screw driver with him and wanted to help. it was even probably the correct tool, but nobody noticed him saying that he had one.
...and tara got stung by a bee *on her lip* 1km past that.
ice cream at 11am can also be medicinal
since we were making such good time we decided we might as well go on a completely superfluous 6km spoke, 12km all together, trip to thaler see and back, effectively doubling the distance we had planned. this was all very well and good but as soon as we left with the new destination in mind all the kids started saying they had had enough. but we decided the challenge was worth it. and it was! we made it and everyone was happy to get a little walk in on the way. i even found 2 eierschwammerln. (very funny to people like nina, who wrote to me she was looking for mushrooms today and probably filled a basket full, but i think it's pretty good in such a well-traveled spot to find anything) - i also had a cappucino all alone by the lake. it was €3.40 and not even the best cappucino ever. .....

better than the one i made of all of us, on a self timer which fell and smacked on the ground.
off we went back home, and the ride was relatively uneventful - henry hit a curb once and fell and scraped his knee and cried a lot, and i was very nervous because it looked really bad from where i was, but when i got there it didn't even need a band-aid (although of course we gave him one!)

At home again I cooked like crazy fast to get food ready so that we could eat before they all took off again. I don't know how but all the strudel was gone. I guess it was worth staying up half the night for. Shawn used his last few minutes in driveway to teach Henry a new way of tying a bowline knot with just one hand. It looks cool - like a magic trick - and Henry was very impressed and then proud of himself.
Brian's ausrüstung

Have a good trip!

We waved goodbye, and then, I guess the kids weren't even that tired from their 20km bike rides, they wanted to go out and play somewhere. playground was closed so we went to the soccer field across the river, but that was full of playing teenagers, so we shot basket ball hoops with a soccer ball, and played the game PIG with very strange rules. - Felix "won" ... his task was just to try to graze the hanging down part of the basket with the ball. I lost all together, which was impressive as the first ball i threw landed directly in the basket and after that i must have thrown 30 near misses in a row.

Tired and happy we meandered home for stories and leftover dinner.

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