Sunday, September 23, 2018

helmet pancake day (166/365b)

made pancake batter early in the morning before leaving for my first gig. everyone else got to do helmet pancake day, but i had gig after gig. part of their helmet pancake day included getting to see our performance after the bishop inauguration.

we played fux's Missa St Joannis Nepomucensis at the dom, and nobody was prepared or interested. it was disastrously badly played and sung and nobody cared. i was a little sad. also we had rehearsal at 8:30, the mass started at 10 and went till noon, and we should have had a break but we really didn't. 

meanwhile without me, helmet pancake day was going very well:
one of us is *always* moving.... Henry, of course!
i went right to the other church where barbara did my makeup and we hung out waiting for the event proceedings to begin 
me and barbara in the window light
Tara was our official photographer to capture us being captured.
orf cameras all over us

nina and centa and tara and brian all listened and watched us and watched our kids and there was plenty of wine and food.
one lady listener even came up to me while i was playing and waited patiently for us to finish the piece. then she told us the soup was very good. "it looks good," i said neutrally. "do you want some?" she asked, holding her bowl and spoon towards me. "no thank you," says i. "i can get you some of your own," she offers. "no, i'm ok, we have to play our next piece now," i say a bit confused. "it's
*very good* though," she counters, holding her bowl towards me again... "do you want to try?" ... i stare at her, and klaus says, saving me from any further response "let's play"

we played well, ate, then we waited a long time before things were ready for us to get our car in and our gear out, and went out for some celebratory pizza and watched the live feed (not live anymore, haha) to see how much they filmed us... 2 and a half pieces long the camera was just on us! not bad! happy with the way that turned out for sure!

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