Sunday, September 2, 2018

croissants for breakfast (145/365b)

Sometimes on a drizzly morning the doorbell rings and Nina is standing there with 2 huge bags of croissants. Doesn't ever happen to you? well, I guess we live a charmed life. It was a nice relaxed breakfast with very strong coffee and very calm conversation.

It was hard to get us motivated to go anywhere. First we thought if it cleared up we could go to Schloss Eggenberg, but eventually we decided to do all the nice little sites of Graz, which our visitors hadn't seen any of yet because of the weather. But I can't go anywhere easily with Felix. I biked him to the foot of the Schlossberg and took the bahn up. Carried him around everywhere, and then back down the same way.

At the top we found 2 figs. One wasn't that perfectly ripe, it was ok. One was perfect, and at the very top of the tippitiesttoppetest branch. I climbed up, lost a shoe on the way up, was scared for my life, grabbed the fig, tossed it towards felix and tara, was surprised at my own strength, and watched it fly past their heads over the wall into nothingness. Oh well, I tried.
next movie poster: everyday super heros unite!
We met up again at hauptplatz and went to the eisperle, yummy vegan ice cream.
ice cream for dinner
felix had the biggest one
(although i asked them to give him an extra small one)
This time we nearly beat the rain home. We started trying an earlier bedtime, in anticipation of school starting (yuck) next week. It wasn't hard, everybody's exhausted and cold and bed feels just right.

I met up with Jackie for a spontaneous birthday gathering at die Scherbe. It was nice, but I'm not a big fan of crowds of strangers or drinking. Still I was the last one standing. I brought a cake (chocolate peanutbutter, vegan and gluten free and so delicious), which i balanced on a porcelain plate on my left hand while biking with my right. I nearly dropped it when I was locking my bike, but nothing happened. the whipped cream was still piled beautifully on top. I had to wake up brian to let me in because I forgot my key like a soprano. Ooops.

And on the subject of cake... I was a little nervous about bringing a cake to a restaurant. I was discussing the etiquette of this with Centa. permission vs. forgiveness etc. Then Felix says: You can just smoosh it in someone's face and say "here's one think I learned from the movies."

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