Wednesday, September 26, 2018

mushroom hunting during kindergarten (169/365b)

out the door bright and early, this time with nina too, so we could hunt for mushrooms. we may have been a day or three too late, since the last rain was before the weekend. but generally the fungal situation was a bit weird, lots of young already dried out eaten mushrooms. we found some though, and we were happy.
dropping felix and foersters off at kindergarten
we got home hungry. while nina cleaned mushrooms i made some fast waffles and oh so much coffee. by the time the older kids got home we had cooked up the mushrooms and all of us just ate them out of the pan. they were so yummy.
after nina did all the hard work cleaning with her cool mushroom brush/knife combo: 
Täublinge, parasol, eierschwammerln, reizker, semmelstoppel

i picked up the kindergarten kids (time goes by so fast, i had to rush right out) and made even more waffles, and took them to chorus. jackie came too, and we went for a nice walk and chat while the kids were singing. it was a very nice chat. i even took the time to stop at fink (a very hippie store in the very swanky shopping district) and bought myself a gigantic scarf like i've wanted for a while. it's thick enough and warm enough to be used like a blanket, and it's not wool so i can wear it!

i'm a little stressed about getting thing ready for my mom arriving on next week, and since i'm gone this weekend i spent tons of time trying to get things organized, throwing away or selling stuff, and cleaning. my blender died completely yesterday (shocking me for the last time, this time slightly too near my heart because i wasn't careful unplugging it... before it just shocked my fingers from time to time when it was cranky and i just ignored it) ..... so i decided to buy a new one on willhaben. when brian picked it up it was HUGE. i'm not even sure it's very effective. it gave up trying to purree fresh pumpkin pieces, but i'll see if the learning curve evens out and i keep it. it's gigantic though. brian couldn't even carry it home a km without stopping to rest.

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