Monday, April 23, 2018

video shoot in the woods... among other things (15/365b)

professional promo shot :)
...among other things is right.... lessons and chorus and school stuff and lindy.

and we had exactly two hours to shoot our next video in the woods before it started to rain. and we did it, against all odds!

i was very tired at lindy, but i was glad to be there, and then it thunder and lightninged on my way home, and one of the very nice dancers in my class gave me a ride home in the opposite direction i had to go and we talked about african drumming on the way.

also felix had a tick *in his eye* (on his lower eyelashes) that i had to remove with tweezers somehow. good thing that mary was there to make up the story of susie the elephant to distract him. we all wanted warm weather, and spring flowers. i guess tick season has begun.

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