Sunday, April 15, 2018

no picture at all (8/365b)

doing this photo challenge the second week in a row and already falling off the bandwagon (whatever a bandwagon is) ... charging my camera battery all day, then took it with me to a concert, but with no memory card. (how can i remember a memory card without a memory?)

so i will just steal from various websites
First I went to see the one-man-show "Judas" which is kind of like stealth theater, but also kind of not. It takes place in a church, and first you start by singing the hymn, and then this guy, Judas, stands up, addresses the audience, and launches into an hour long monologue about how the iniquity of mankind and how unfair it is that he gets so much blame. Three different people at three different times, came up to me sitting in the back, to tell me that this was inappropriate for children, but we stuck it out. I don't think that seeing things from wildly different angles is ever a bad thing.

Walked home and spent the afternoon carefully planting little seedlings outside in the warm sun, and nursing a headache. 

Theodore and Henry also joined me for an evening of (a little kitchy) music and a reading (in German) of MLK's I Have a Dream speech and Chaplin's speech from the end of the great dictator. It was a very short concert. Henry fell asleep during the encore, but woke up for a piece of bread at the reception. Straight to sleep for every one of us.

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