Saturday, April 28, 2018

broken (1894-2018) (19/365b)

last time

Theodore had a little mini audition today... I invited Mary and all the kids, but it turns out only the jury was allowed in the room and we just hung around outside. While getting ready to play we noticed a large crack under the soundpost of the violin. In car insurance terms it is the equivalent of totalling a car. To fix it, we would have to take the back off, patch the crack, and then recarve the back, resulting in a final product that has significantly less value than the fix that was just done. This all would be for a small instrument that kids outgrow very quickly. 

I know all this because I took it to a violin maker, who was very nice, and had just opened his doors, and he took a long time to explain everything to me. I was very sad to have to say it was over. It had a good life, that started in 1894, and was played by me and all subsequent siblings, cousin Jena and now, lastly, Theodore. 

Brian came home tonight. We stayed up till 1 waiting for him and chatting, although we weren't intending to.

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